A range of resources for formal and informal learning, including activity sheets, blogs and links to other sites, is available here:
Activity sheets
The King Richard III Quest helps guides young visitors around the Centre, suitable for ages 7 – 12.
Our Boar Hunt is suitable for ages 3 – 6 and is an “I-Spy” style trail.
“A Medieval Christmas” is a seasonal activity sheet for ages 7 – 12.
Create a Pounce Portrait of King Richard III. Also available on Twinkl.
Make a white boar badge or white rose to show your support to Richard. Also available on Twinkl (boar badge) and Twinkl (white rose).
Make Medieval machines and see how far you can fire a missile!
Colour in a King with our portrait colouring sheet.
These Character Cards were designed by a Masters student from the University of Leicester’s School of Archaeology and Ancient History. You can print them out and use them before or after a visit to the Visitor Centre, or on their own, to support learning about Richard III. They are a useful tool for introducing all the people involved in the story of Richard III, from his contemporaries to the team who uncovered his remains in the car park in 2012. The cards come with suggestions for teachers on how to use them in the classroom.
Download our Discovery Pack, which is designed to help children find their way around the exhibition, and find out more about the man who was King Richard III.
How-to videos on our YouTube channel
Create a Christmas decoration
Make a Victorian-style cup and ball toy
Perfumed (or pongy!) pomanders
There are also some really interesting short films about the Visitor Centre and medieval life available on our YouTube channel and our blog covers a variety of subjects too.
Our top choices of King Richard III-related websites
The Richard III Society, particularly their Wars of the Roses site.
The multi-award winning Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre.
Richard III: Discovery and Identification University of Leicester website.
Rex Factor – the animated show and a rip-roaring ride through the life of King Richard III.
Please email us if you know of any other free Richard III-related resources that could be added to this page.