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Volunteers Week 2021

07 June 2021 | News

Today marks the last day of Volunteers Week. Here's a short blog from Kassey, one of our brilliant volunteers:

My name is Kassey, I have been part of the King Richard III Visitor Centre volunteer team for two years. I started in June 2018 and enjoy every minute and aspect of my volunteer role.

I wanted to be a part of the Visitor Centre as the history of King Richard had always interested me as a child. I remember a particular lesson in secondary school, which our teacher had asked us to hold a fictional court case in regards to the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower. I found myself on the team who was defending Richard. While going through the information and rich history about Richard, I realised there were many misconceptions about him, and from many sources he appeared to be a good King during his short reign, and not the character that Shakespeare had portrayed him in his famous play.

For the rest of my school years I enjoyed history and have always been an enthusiast, but as I wanted to have a role in social care, unfortunately it took a bit of a back seat, and during my time at collage and university I studied social sciences.

However, history and Richard’s story had appeared back into my life in a very strange way. When I had been a student on placement under social services, I was sent to train at Grey Friars, during the end of August and beginning September 2012. I remember complaining that there wasn’t anywhere to park and asked my tutor, “What are they doing?” to which she replied, “I’m not sure, some sort of historical dig”, and then with a little chuckle said, “They think they’re going to find royalty.”

After this was said, nothing else was mentioned about it. But then roughly a month later, while I was still on placement, I received an email thanking anybody who had been to Grey Friars recently, for our patience about the lack of parking, but they had (wait for it….) found King Richard III under the floor of the car park. We were all amazed, and I for one couldn’t believe that he was found.

It almost feels full circle that I now volunteer for the Visitor Centre, which I enjoy so much, to be honest I love it. Not only is every day different, but you are also a part of continuing and sharing a piece of history that is so interesting.

Also as a volunteer I couldn’t do the role without the incredible support of the Visitor Centre staff. Even through lockdown the regular contact has been brilliant and keeps the team going. A big thank you to you all and can’t wait to get back and see you all soon.


Kassey, it’s us who should be thanking you and the whole volunteer team – see you all very soon!